Group Discussions are often conducted to filter candidates during a job interview. It is not only a filter but GD aims to bring out the critical thinking and reasoning skills. Say you are attending a group discussion. If you are having trouble thinking of things to add to the discussion, think of the 5 W's and How: who are you discussing? What is important about the topic? Where did the topic originate or take place? When did the event occur? Why is this topic important to society? How can things be improved?
Use facts to support your
opinions. Listen! Do not try to formulate your next comment while
someone is still presenting his input. Listen with an open mind.
Never laugh at anyone's
opinion. Do NOT interrupt. Wait for others to finish. Be sure of what
you say. If people agree with you
it's good if not do not force them but politely tell them to think
over your opinion too. Stay impartial if you are leading the
discussion. If there are disagreements to your thought, don't object,
only interject when they misplaced or misheard anything.
There are several other
ideas which will help you perform well at a group discussion. To
learn more you can enroll at Softlogic IT Training Institute or dial +91 86818 84318.