You can solve aptitude questions easily if you know a few short cuts.
the population of a town is ‘P’ in a year, then its population
‘N’ years ago is
P / [(1 + R/100)N]
P / [(1 + R/100)N]
Profit & Loss
If the value of a machine is ‘P’ in a year, then its value after ‘N’ years at a depreciation of
‘R’ p.c.p.a is
P (1 - R/100)N
the value of a machine is ‘P’ in a year, then its value ‘N’
years ago at a depreciation of
‘R’ p.c.p.a is
P / [(1 – R/100)N]
‘R’ p.c.p.a is
P / [(1 – R/100)N]
Selling Price = [(100 + Gain%) × Cost Price] / 100
= [(100 - Loss%) × Cost Price] / 100
Ratio & Proportion
equality of two ratios is called a proportion. If a : b = c : d, we
write a : b :: c : d and
we say that a, b, c, d are in proportion. In a proportion, the first and fourth terms are known as extremes, while the second and third are known as means.
we say that a, b, c, d are in proportion. In a proportion, the first and fourth terms are known as extremes, while the second and third are known as means.
Product of extremes = Product of means
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