Knowing that college transcripts don’t tell the whole story, companies are looking for creative ways to identify the talent they need. Companies don't use the old and standard approach to select candidates. Instead they find out how candidates mix with others, think on their feet and handle pressure.
Some companies shortlist candidates and then assess them in groups for one full day. Recruiters observe how recruits interact with each other, solve problems and give presentations. Usually, only half get hired.
Generally internships are now called as three-month interviews. The candidates are reviewed at the end of their internship period. Candidates must also have an international mindset. Because every office has people from multiple cultures companies look for candidates with an international mindset. Nowadays, in many MNC's you’ll find a huge variety of nationalities. Some students forget to put down that they’ve traveled to many countries in their resume.
Employers prefer foreign exchange students, because it takes courage to uproot yourself and study abroad, perhaps learning in a language that is not your own.
There are many such soft skills that employers look for. Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai trains its students on soft skills when they enroll and pay for technical skills. For more details visit Softlogic Soft Skills Training Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318 .