Saturday, 7 September 2013

Computer Noise - Computer Hardware and Software Training Program in Chennai

Have you ever heard noises coming out from your computer while you are working? There are many noises that can come out of your computer. This may be due to the functioning of different hardware or wear and tear. Most modern computers come with CD or DVD drives. Today’s optical drives spin the discs inside very, very quickly. With this fast spinning comes a whirring noise, which generally doesn’t bother people as long as they know what it is.

However, modern operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Linux — have a habit of checking the drive for CDs periodically, without being prompted by the user. Your PC will make a whirring noise that suddenly becomes much louder before going away just as quickly. Lots of people mistake this for some sort of computer problem, when it’s just a standard procedure for the computer. If you hear something like this, make sure there isn’t any media hanging out in your computer’s optical drive.

There is nothing worse than random or unexpected noises coming from your computer speakers. When this happens, check these two things to try to hunt down the cause. First, reboot your computer. It might sound simple, but you would be surprised how often this actually fixes problems. The reasoning here is that if anything unexpected is running in the background and causing unwanted behavior, it will be shut down and won’t necessarily restart when your computer comes back online. If the noise persists, try plugging in another set of speakers or headphones. This eliminates the speakers themselves as the source of problem. 

To know more about computer hardware, you can do a course in hardware. Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai conducts courses in computer hardware and software. For more details visit Softlogic Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.