We connect and remove many input/output devices from the computer when we work with computers. Some devices will start working as soon as you connect them or plug them into a computer. The user need not manually install the device drivers. These Plug and Play devices are also abbreviated as PnP. The computer automatically recognizes the device, loads new drivers for the hardware if needed, and begins to work with the newly connected device.
For example, if you connect a Plug-and-Play mouse to
the USB port on your computer, it will begin to work within a few
seconds of being plugged in. A non plug-and-play device would require
you to go through several steps of installing drivers and setting up
the device before it would work.
While Plug and Play usually refers to computer
peripheral devices, such as keyboards and mice, it can also be used
to describe internal hardware. For example, a video card or hard
drive may be a Plug and Play device, meaning the computer will
recognize it as soon as it is installed. The only difference is that
internal components usually require the computer to be turned off
when they are installed, while external devices can typically be
installed while the computer is running.
As a person working with computer hardware, you may
need to know more about the different types of computer devices.
Doing a course in computer hardware will help you a lot. Softlogic IT Training Institute conducts PC hardware training that can lead to an
A+ certification. For
more details visit Softlogic- PnP Hardware Program Chennai
or dial +91 86818 84318.