Thursday, 12 September 2013

How to be Assertive at Work - Softlogic Soft Skills Training Institute/Course in Chennai

If you asked most people if there's a difference between being assertive and being outright aggressive, they'd tell you yes. If you asked the same people to be less aggressive and be more assertive, they might have a hard time taking your advice. It's not as hard as it might seem. Here's how.

The adage "Kill 'em with kindness" holds more water than you might think, especially when it comes to dealing with tough personalities. Compassion isn't the same thing as niceness. You can be compassionate without being sugar-coated, especially when it comes to dealing with difficult people you work with. The same applies for assertiveness: you can be assertive and up-front without being aggressive and overpowering, and the people you work with will appreciate the difference.

Everyone reacts at some time with defensiveness in order to protect themselves: It’s universal. Those who are defensive and reactive find it impossible to have healthy relationships. Once you are aware of what sparks your own defensiveness and that of others, you can make the choice to act and react differently.
That being assertive isn't the same as being rude, or putting your interests in front of everyone else's just about letting people know what you need and what work needs to be done in a direct way. 

Knowing the importance of soft skills such as assertiveness, Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai conducts soft skills courses along with technical skills. For more details visit Softlogic IT Training Centre - Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.