Monday, 30 September 2013

IT Training and Students Attitude - Softlogic IT Employment Training Institute in Chennai

When people join an IT Training institute, each one comes with their own goals and expectations. Few students want to make a career in IT. Few students will take up a course for a stop-gap arrangement. Few students will take up the course only to become familiar with basic IT terminology. Later, they may do an MBA or go abroad.

So, each student walks into an IT training center with different needs and wants. Students who want to become an IT professional spend good time in the lab and clear their doubts with their trainers. Such students gain good knowledge and are placed in good jobs at placement. But, students who come with other motives may take some time to be placed if they are looking out for placements.

So, when you join an IT Training institute, you should go with the right attitude and mindset. IT Training centers such as Softlogic. IT Employment Training have tie-ups with more than 1000 corporates and 250+ MNCs. Softlogic also has an internationally certified faculty team. With a state-of-the-art lab and so many other facilities, a student with the right attitude will get the right job through Softlogic.  

You may reach out to Softlogic Training Institute and for more details or dial +91 86818 84318.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

New Enhanced Seagate Hard Disk Drive - Softlogic PC Engineering Hardware Training in Chennai

Flash memories help you to store a lot of data. Seagate has developed a new range of hard-drives that function similar to flash memories. These hard drives are specifically built for using in tablets. These hard disk drives are known as the Ultra-mobile hardisk drives. The performance of these hard-disk drives are much better in Androids because of a caching method.

When these hard-disk drives are combined with suitable software, then the performance in tablets is really good. This combination of hardware and software will revolutionize the tablet market.

Width of the HDD = 5 mm thin

Weight of the hard-disk drive is = 3.3 ounces

Because of these physical specifications the hard disk is as thin as a light bulb.

Capacity of the disk drive – 1 lakh photos, 1 lakh twenty five thousand songs, 62 hours of high definition video.

The motion sensors and temperature sensors make sure that the drive is not affected. The zero gravity sensor also protect the hard-drive from any damage during a fall.

Do you want to know more about computer hardware? You can think of joining the A+ hardware course at Softlogic IT Training Institute.Visit Softlogic PC Engineering Hardware Training in Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318 for more information.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Aptitude Tips and Tricks - Softlogic Applitute Training Institute in Chennai

For any regular polygon , the sum of the exterior angles is equal to 360 degrees. So, 360/n is the measure of any external angle. ( where n is the number of sides)

For any regular polygon , the sum of interior angles = (n-2)180 degrees. So measure of one angle in a

Square = 90
Pentagon =108
Hexagon =120
Heptagon =128.5
Octagon = 135
Nonagon = 140
Decagon =144

The sum of first n natural numbers = n (n+1)/2
For the first n natural numbers, the sum of squares is n (n+1)(2n+1)/6
The sum of first n even numbers= n (n+1)
The sum of first n odd numbers= n^2

For more tips and tricks to solve aptitude tests, you can join a course at Softlogic IT Training Institute. For more details visit Softlogic Training Institute in Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318

Friday, 20 September 2013

Cisco IOS NetFlow - Cisco Certified Network Adminstrator (CCNA) Training Institute in Softlogic Chennai

NetFlow is a UDP -exported network profiling protocol originally developed by Cisco Systems in 1996. It enables participating devices (typically routers and switches) to report telemetry data on the network traffic flowing through them (such a device is called a NetFlow exporter). This data is sent to a downstream machine, called a NetFlow Collector:

The data can then be collated, sorted, analyzed, trended, and so on. The most widely deployed version of NetFlow, version 5, offers the capability to track the following flow data (the traditional Cisco 7-tuple is highlighted in blue):

NetFlow version 9 introduced much more power with the capability to dynamically change the packet format using templates and match on just about anything using Flexible Netflow.
If packet capture can be thought of as a wiretap, Netflow can be considered the phone bill. NetFlow allows the Network Administrator and Security Practitioner to determine:
  • Who is talking to who
  • Over what ports (or protocols)
  • For how long
  • At what speed
To know more about networking protocols, you can join networking courses at SLA IT Employment Training Company. For more details visit Cisco IOS NetFlow - Cisco Certified Netowrk Adminstrator (CCNA) Training Institute  or dial +91 86818 84318.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Tips to Participate in a Group Discussion - Softlogic Training institute in Chennai

Group Discussions are often conducted to filter candidates during a job interview. It is not only a filter but GD aims to bring out the critical thinking and reasoning skills. Say you are attending a group discussion. If you are having trouble thinking of things to add to the discussion, think of the 5 W's and How: who are you discussing? What is important about the topic? Where did the topic originate or take place? When did the event occur? Why is this topic important to society? How can things be improved?

Use facts to support your opinions. Listen! Do not try to formulate your next comment while someone is still presenting his input. Listen with an open mind.

Never laugh at anyone's opinion. Do NOT interrupt. Wait for others to finish. Be sure of what you say. If people agree with you it's good if not do not force them but politely tell them to think over your opinion too. Stay impartial if you are leading the discussion. If there are disagreements to your thought, don't object, only interject when they misplaced or misheard anything.

There are several other ideas which will help you perform well at a group discussion. To learn more you can enroll at Softlogic IT Training Institute or dial +91 86818 84318.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Quantitative Aptitude Tips and Tricks - Softlogic Aptitude Training Courses in Chennai

You can solve aptitude questions easily if you know a few short cuts.


If the population of a town is ‘P’ in a year, then its population ‘N’ years ago is
P / [(1 + R/100)N]

Profit & Loss

If the value of a machine is ‘P’ in a year, then its value after ‘N’ years at a depreciation of
‘R’ p.c.p.a is
P (1 - R/100)N
If the value of a machine is ‘P’ in a year, then its value ‘N’ years ago at a depreciation of
‘R’ p.c.p.a is
P / [(1 – R/100)N]

Selling Price = [(100 + Gain%) × Cost Price] / 100
= [(100 - Loss%) × Cost Price] / 100

Ratio & Proportion
The equality of two ratios is called a proportion. If a : b = c : d, we write a : b :: c : d and
we say that a, b, c, d are in proportion. In a proportion, the first and fourth terms are known as extremes, while the second and third are known as means.

Product of extremes = Product of means

If you are interested to learn more tips and tricks in a classroom atmosphere with the guidance of a teacher, then join Softlogic IT Training Institute. For more details visit Softlogic Aptitude Training Courses in Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318 .

Learn BODMAS Rule - Softlogic Aptitude Training Institute in Chennai

When you get a complex mathematical equation to solve , you need to keep certain basic rules in mind. Look at the example below.

42 % (9-2) + 6 * 3 - 4

Following the BODMAS rules you need to solve in the order of Brackets, Off, Division, Multiplication, addition, and subtraction for the acronym BODMAS.

So in the given equation Brackets will first be solved. So (9-2) is first solved.

42 % 7 + 6 *3 -4

Next step is to solve the Division ( 42 % 7)

6 + 6*3 – 4

Next step will be to solve the multiplication 6*3

6 + 18 – 4

Then addition 6+18

24 – 4

Then the final answer is 24 – 4 = 20

You need to equip yourself with many other tips and tricks to solve aptitude formulas. Softlogic IT  Training Institute in Chennai helps you to learn tips and tricks for aptitude tests. For more details visit Softlogic Aptitude Training Institute in Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318 .

Soft Skills: Very important Skill in the Job Market - Softlogic SoftSkill Training in Chennai

Knowing that college transcripts don’t tell the whole story, companies are looking for creative ways to identify the talent they need. Companies don't use the old and standard approach to select candidates. Instead they find out how candidates mix with others, think on their feet and handle pressure.

Some companies shortlist candidates and then assess them in groups for one full day. Recruiters observe how recruits interact with each other, solve problems and give presentations. Usually, only half get hired.

Generally internships are now called as three-month interviews. The candidates are reviewed at the end of their internship period. Candidates must also have an international mindset. Because every office has people from multiple cultures companies look for candidates with an international mindset. Nowadays, in many MNC's you’ll find a huge variety of nationalities. Some students forget to put down that they’ve traveled to many countries in their resume.

Employers prefer foreign exchange students, because it takes courage to uproot yourself and study abroad, perhaps learning in a language that is not your own.

There are many such soft skills that employers look for. Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai trains its students on soft skills when they enroll and pay for technical skills. For more details visit Softlogic Soft Skills Training Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318 .  

Monday, 16 September 2013

What to do after CompTIA Certification? - Softlogic IT Training Institute Chennai

The competition for entry level technical positions is much more fierce in cities where population is high. The A+ certification not only will give you a sound edge over others in this competitive world, but also will give you an opportunity to add more certifications to your name.
Here are some of the common jobs that use CompTIA A+:

• Technical support specialist
• Field service technician
• IT support technician
• IT support administrator
• IT support specialist
• Help Desk and Customer Service
• Computer Manufacturer

Once you become a CompTIA A+ certified technician, you can redirect your career path in any way you would want to. The various paths that you can tread on would be:

• Administration: Providing network support, configuring routers and managing user accounts on the corporate servers.
• Development: Design the companies web presence and intranet and manage it on aregular basis.
• Hardware: From repairing simple computers to manufacturing high-end workstations and servers.
• Technician: Pass the Net+ exam thus leading to installing network cabling, supporting corporate end users and managing the corporate desktop.

Knowing the various opportunities for CompTIA certification, Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai conducts courses in CompTIA A+. For more details visit Softlogic Chennai or dial  +91 86818 84318 .

Friday, 13 September 2013

Punctuality - Attitude/Leadership Skills Training Program in Softlogic Chennai

Punctuality is a wonderful trait of a person, one to be admired and respected. Punctuality displays a person’s respect for people and time. In a scheduled appointment, the late-comer usually gives an impression that he/she doesn’t value the other person’s time or considers his/her time more important than that of the other. This is exactly why candidates are never late at a job interview!

Punctuality is more important at the workplace because it is here that you get paid for the hours you put in. While it may be appropriate for you to be fashionably late for a social event, it won’t be appreciated by the business where time is considered to be money in today's growing economy. Many people work from home these days, to them punctuality means being available online during office hours, logging in into meetings punctually, and meeting project deadlines.

Below are some reasons why you should be punctual:

1. Respect: Punctuality speaks of a person’s respect of others. In giving respect to others we can earn in turn.

2. Credibility: An employee who is punctual is considered as credible in the eyes of his/her employer.

3. Organised: A punctual person usually organises his/her work well, thinks ahead of time, prioritizes the given tasks and is overall successful.

4. Networking: Much of the networking in a company happens just before a meeting when the board members are waiting for everybody to gather. Being early can give you a chance to talk to the company leaders and create a network of alliances for you.

5. Ready: Being a couple of minutes early to a meeting or work, gives you time to relax, collect your thoughts and prioritize your day’s activities. This will help you sail through the day with no major glitches.

6. Productivity: An employee who isn’t stressed about reaching late or has come in early enough to give him minutes to settle in before the day’s work begins, has got better chances to get more accomplished than a late comer who feels more pressurized.

As Softlogic IT Training Institute coaches students for employment, they teach students about the values of punctuality. For more details visit Softlogic Chennai or dial  +91 86818 84318.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

How to be Assertive at Work - Softlogic Soft Skills Training Institute/Course in Chennai

If you asked most people if there's a difference between being assertive and being outright aggressive, they'd tell you yes. If you asked the same people to be less aggressive and be more assertive, they might have a hard time taking your advice. It's not as hard as it might seem. Here's how.

The adage "Kill 'em with kindness" holds more water than you might think, especially when it comes to dealing with tough personalities. Compassion isn't the same thing as niceness. You can be compassionate without being sugar-coated, especially when it comes to dealing with difficult people you work with. The same applies for assertiveness: you can be assertive and up-front without being aggressive and overpowering, and the people you work with will appreciate the difference.

Everyone reacts at some time with defensiveness in order to protect themselves: It’s universal. Those who are defensive and reactive find it impossible to have healthy relationships. Once you are aware of what sparks your own defensiveness and that of others, you can make the choice to act and react differently.
That being assertive isn't the same as being rude, or putting your interests in front of everyone else's just about letting people know what you need and what work needs to be done in a direct way. 

Knowing the importance of soft skills such as assertiveness, Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai conducts soft skills courses along with technical skills. For more details visit Softlogic IT Training Centre - Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.

Protecting Your Computer Against Viruses - PC Engineering Training in Softlogic Chennai

Protecting your computer from viruses and other threats isn't difficult, but you have to be diligent.
Install an antivirus program. Installing an antivirus program and keeping it up to date can help defend your computer against viruses. Antivirus programs scan for viruses trying to get into your e-mail, operating system, or files. New viruses appear daily, so check the antivirus manufacturer's website frequently for updates. Most antivirus programs are sold with annual subscriptions, which can be renewed as needed.

Do not open e-mail attachments. Many viruses are attached to e-mail messages and will spread as soon as you open the e-mail attachment. It's best not to open any attachment unless it is something you are expecting. Microsoft Outlook and Windows Mail help block potentially dangerous attachments.

Keep Windows updated. Periodically, Microsoft releases special security updates that can help protect your computer. These updates can help prevent viruses and other computer attacks by closing possible security holes. Make sure that Windows receives these updates by turning on Windows automatic updating. To learn how, see Turn automatic updating on or off.

Use a firewall. Windows Firewall or any other firewall can help alert you to suspicious activity if a virus or worm attempts to connect to your computer. It can also block viruses, worms, and hackers from attempting to download potentially harmful programs to your computer.

At Softlogic IT Training Institute, networking and hardware students are taught how to save their computers against viruses. For more details visit Softlogic Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.

Virtual Private Networks (VPN) - Network Security Training Courses in Softlogic Chennai

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a network technology that creates a secure network connection over a public network such as the Internet or a private network owned by a service provider. Large corporations, educational institutions, and government agencies use VPN technology to enable remote users to securely connect to a private network.

A VPN can connect multiple sites over a large distance just like a Wide Area Network (WAN). VPNs are often used to extend intranets worldwide to disseminate informatioyen and news to a wide user base. Educational institutions use VPNs to connect campuses that can be distributed across the country or around the world.

In order to gain access to the private network, a user must be authenticated using a unique identification and a password. An authentication token is often used to gain access to a private network through a personal identification number (PIN) that a user must enter. The PIN is a unique authentication code that changes according to a specific frequency, usually every 30 seconds or so.

If you would like to know more about network security and private networks, you need to do a course in networking. Softlogic IT Training Institute conducts courses in networking. For more details visit Softlogic Training Institute in Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.

Interpersonal Skills - Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai

Interpersonal skills is an important skill to have and can be valuable in almost any situation. Basically interpersonal skills are skills we have that allow us to effectively communicate with each other. When you have good interpersonal skills you are able to develop social skills and can effectively communicate with someone using various techniques. Interpersonal skills are almost invaluable especially if you want a good job and you want a good relationship with your manager and other coworkers.
One great interpersonal skill to have is the ability to have effective communication with your boss and other coworkers. Effective communication is fairly easy to accomplish since the main goals are to listen and comprehend what someone is saying to you. It is important to always recognize the person that is talking to you to let them know you are listening and sometimes nodding and agreeing are ways to show that you are listening. Once the person is done talking to you it is important to summarize in your own words what the conversation was about that way the person knows you understand the conversation and you were paying attention. If you have any questions about what was being said then this is the time where you ask for clarification on that issue and then repeat the conversation making sure you understand it.

Effective communication skills are always important no matter what type of job you are in because making a mistake from bad communication skills can cost you your job or someone their life. This skill will help better the relationship with your workplace peers and you will be better respected.

Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai conducts soft skills courses such as interpersonal skills as a free component of the paid technical training. For more details visit Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.

NetDiag Network Diagnostics Tool - MCSE/MCSM Neworking Training Institute in Softlogic Chennai

Networks will sometimes have problems and so diagnosing them will be essential. Netdiag.exe is a command-line tool that you can use to test the network connectivity of the computer. Netdiag.exe performs a series of tests to determine the state and functionality of your network client computer. You can use the results of these tests, and the network status information that is provided by Netdiag.exe, to isolate network and connectivity problems on your Windows 2000-based workstation or server.

Netdiag.exe is included with the Microsoft Windows 2000 Support Tools. To install the Windows 2000 Support Tools, you must run Setup.exe from the Support\Tools folder on the Windows 2000 CD-ROM. To download Netdiag.exe, visit the following Microsoft Web site:

There are many more diagnostic tools in the networking market. To learn more about these tools you need to join a networking course. Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai conducts courses in MCSE and MCSM. For more details visit Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Plug and Play Devices - Computer Hardware Comptia A+ Training Institute in Softlogic Chennai

We connect and remove many input/output devices from the computer when we work with computers. Some devices will start working as soon as you connect them or plug them into a computer. The user need not manually install the device drivers. These Plug and Play devices are also abbreviated as PnP. The computer automatically recognizes the device, loads new drivers for the hardware if needed, and begins to work with the newly connected device.

For example, if you connect a Plug-and-Play mouse to the USB port on your computer, it will begin to work within a few seconds of being plugged in. A non plug-and-play device would require you to go through several steps of installing drivers and setting up the device before it would work.

While Plug and Play usually refers to computer peripheral devices, such as keyboards and mice, it can also be used to describe internal hardware. For example, a video card or hard drive may be a Plug and Play device, meaning the computer will recognize it as soon as it is installed. The only difference is that internal components usually require the computer to be turned off when they are installed, while external devices can typically be installed while the computer is running.

As a person working with computer hardware, you may need to know more about the different types of computer devices. Doing a course in computer hardware will help you a lot. Softlogic IT Training Institute conducts PC hardware training that can lead to an A+ certification. For more details visit Softlogic- PnP Hardware Program Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.

Saturday, 7 September 2013

Computer Noise - Computer Hardware and Software Training Program in Chennai

Have you ever heard noises coming out from your computer while you are working? There are many noises that can come out of your computer. This may be due to the functioning of different hardware or wear and tear. Most modern computers come with CD or DVD drives. Today’s optical drives spin the discs inside very, very quickly. With this fast spinning comes a whirring noise, which generally doesn’t bother people as long as they know what it is.

However, modern operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Linux — have a habit of checking the drive for CDs periodically, without being prompted by the user. Your PC will make a whirring noise that suddenly becomes much louder before going away just as quickly. Lots of people mistake this for some sort of computer problem, when it’s just a standard procedure for the computer. If you hear something like this, make sure there isn’t any media hanging out in your computer’s optical drive.

There is nothing worse than random or unexpected noises coming from your computer speakers. When this happens, check these two things to try to hunt down the cause. First, reboot your computer. It might sound simple, but you would be surprised how often this actually fixes problems. The reasoning here is that if anything unexpected is running in the background and causing unwanted behavior, it will be shut down and won’t necessarily restart when your computer comes back online. If the noise persists, try plugging in another set of speakers or headphones. This eliminates the speakers themselves as the source of problem. 

To know more about computer hardware, you can do a course in hardware. Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai conducts courses in computer hardware and software. For more details visit Softlogic Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Peer-to-Peer Networks - Networking Training Course in Softlogic Chennai

In its simplest form, a peer-to-peer (P2P) network is created when two or more PCs are connected and share resources without going through a separate server computer. A P2P network can be an ad hoc connection—a couple of computers connected via a Universal Serial Bus to transfer files. A P2P network also can be a permanent infrastructure that links a half-dozen computers in a small office over copper wires. Or a P2P network can be a network on a much grander scale in which special protocols and applications set up direct relationships among users over the Internet.

Previously, many workers felt liberated by having dedicated PCs on their desktops. But soon they needed a way to share files and printers. The obvious solution was to save files to a floppy disk and carry the disk to the intended recipient or send it by interoffice mail.

Let us see an example of peer-to-peer networks. If User A's PC is connected to a printer that User B wants to access, User A must set his machine to allow (share) access to the printer. Similarly, if User B wants to have access to a folder or file, or even a complete hard drive, on User A's PC, User A must enable file sharing on his PC. Access to folders and printers on an office P2P network can be further controlled by assigning passwords to those resources.

If you are curious to know more about networking, you can join a networking course. Softlogic  IT Training Institute conducts networking courses. To know more about our courses walk-in to Softlogic and meet our counsellors. For more details visit Softlogic or dial +91 86818 84318.

Website Design Compatible with Mobile Phones -Softlogic Job Oriented Courses Chennai

Smartphones rule the world. Research shows that people using smartphones check their phones every five minutes, even if they don't look forward to any message. People do not wait o return to their homes or office to check a websites. They check websites even while they are traveling using smartphones. So, every website these days must be mobile friendly.

Let us see few advantages of building a mobile-friendly website.

Better User Experience: Nobody likes browsing a desktop site on their smartphone because its interface is not really meant for it. Mobile websites, on the other hand, are designed particularly for handheld devices and will promise an improved user experience.

Context and Engagement: A mobile website enables you to engage users immediately with mobile-specific attributes like mapping functions, click-to-call etc. 

Connectivity and Portability: It is possible to access a mobile website anytime, anywhere. This is a great opportunity for any business and they need to look for ways to explore this constant connection. 

Competitive Advantage: A mobile website gives you an opportunity to stay ahead of your competitors. It ensures that you and not your competitors capture the attention of visitors and causal browsers.

Due to the need for mobile website design, people who want to make a career in programming plan to learn and use ASP.NET and C#. But you need to learn the curse from a training company that teaches industry oriented syllabus. Softlogic IT Training Institute meets your learning needs. For more details visit Softlogic - Job Oriented Courses Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Routers Vs Switches - Computer Networking Training Course in Softlogic Chennai

Networks are made up of switches and routers. Most business networks today use switches to connect computers, printers and servers within a building or campus. A switch acts like a controller, enabling networked devices to talk to each other efficiently. Through information sharing and resource allocation, switches save businesses money and increase employee productivity.

There are two types of switches – a managed switch and an unmanaged switch. An unmanaged switch works right out of the box. It's not designed to be configured, so you don't have to worry about installing or setting it up correctly. Unmanaged switches have less network capacity than managed switches. You'll usually find unmanaged switches in home networking equipment.

A managed network switch is configurable, offering greater flexibility and capacity than an unmanaged switch. You can monitor and adjust a managed switch locally or remotely, to give you greater network control.

Switches create a network. Routers connect networks. A router links computers to the Internet, so users can share the connection. A router acts as a dispatcher, choosing the best path for information to travel so it's received quickly.

If you find the topics of switches and routers to be interesting, you need to attend a networking course. A networking course will help to maintain your home network or configure your office network. Softlogic IT Training Institute in Chennai conducts job-oriented courses in networking. The various courses conducted are A+, N+, CCNA, MCSA, MCSM. For more details visit Softlogic Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Aptitude Training Skills Training Courses in chennai

Good aptitude skills are a necessity today to get a good job. One of the entrance tests for getting a job will be in aptitude. So, let us look at a sample aptitude question.

Q: A man wanted to enter an exclusive club but did not know the password that was required. He waited by the door and listened. A club member knocked on the door and the doorman said, “twelve.” The member replied “six” and was let in. A second member came to the door and the doorman said “six.”. The member replied, “three' and was let in. The man thought he had heard enough and walked up to the door. The doorman said, “ten” and the man replied,”five”. But he was not let in. What should he have said?

A: The man had to reply the number of characters in the word the doorman was asking. He should have replied “Three” instead of “Five.”

Many IT training centres train people in technical skills, but they do not train people in aptitude. But Softlogic IT Training Institute conducts aptitude, attitude, and personality training along with technical skills. If you are interested in a complete and job-oriented training, you can join Softlogic. For more details visit Softlogic Chennai or dial +91 86818 84318.