Thursday, 3 October 2013

Common Language Runtime in .NET - Softlogic Certified DotNet Professional Training Institute in Chennai

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) environment is the environment in which the .NETframework executes code. The CLR also facilitates development by giving access to some services.
The benefits of this CLR is availed by compilers and tools. When you write code keeping in mind the runtime environment then the code is known as managed code. 

When you write managed code it can make use of cross-language exception handling, cross-language integration, support for versioning and deployment, more security, ease of use of component interaction, and also profiling and debugging.  

If you want the runtime managed environment then the compilers have to provide metadata that explains members, types, and references in your code. If the executable file can run in the CLR the metadata is attached with the code. 

Using metadate the runtime locates and loads classes, lay out instances in memory, resolve method invocations, generate native code, enforce security, and set run-time context boundaries.

There are lot of fresher job openings in .NET.SLA IT Employment Training Company trains people in .NET along with a real-time project.  To know more about the .NET training, get in touch with Softlogic IT Training Institute and for more details visit Softlogic or dial +91 8681884318